For this segment of #ProTalks, we had a great conversation with Claire Nakato, Programme Coordinator at Challenges Uganda, Nakato shared insider tips for phase III of the Youth to Work programme, a flagship project of the Futuremakers by Standard Chartered Foundation; its objective is to position and equip young people with skills and opportunities to create economic and employment changes across the economy for sustainable and measurable impact.
If you could sum up the Youth to Work Junior Associate programme in just two sentences what would that be?
A life changing programme. Many employers refrain from employing young people because of the assumption that young people are lazy and lack skills. Youth to Work not only provides a platform for young people to showcase their skills and talents but also an opportunity to learn and gain employability skills. Previously, we have worked with over 160 young people and 53% of these people are in employment.
As part of the programme, Junior Associates are paired with local SMEs (small and medium enterprises) . Can you tell us more about how this works?
The programme is designed around an enterprise placement-based model. It uses a structured 14-week work placement Business Development Services (BDS) initiative to strengthen the business performance of SMEs (small to medium enterprises). The components of the programme are; Recruitment, Placement and Post-placement.
Recruitment - A structured 2-week pre-placement training sessions are conducted for Junior Associates (JAs) to prepare them for their enterprise placement using Chartered Management Institute (CMI) learning modules. The training is designed to give Associates a theoretical and practical approach to implement change in enterprises.
Placement - Audit, Business analysis, Action planning and recommendation and Implementation support.
Post-placement - Active Citizenship, Employment transition and Alumni network
Without giving too many insider secrets. What are your top 3 tips for a successful application?
1. An informed applicant - it’s very warming to see an application that constantly refers to the program details as shared and the company. It shows a serious person and ultimately one you’d want to work with.
2. Self Awareness - the first questions in the form test one’s self awareness. The way the applicant responds to these questions determines a great deal how they perceive themselves and their self confidence. Everyone wants to work with a confident person.
3. Word Count - These prevent us from going too far in our narrative thereby losing a sustained narrative but also prevent us from keeping it too narrow. Following word count always shows a person that follows guidelines. One liner responses are a definite NO!
For graduates that are interested in the Youth to Work programme, where can they apply and is there a specific criteria?
People can visit our website The website has both an online form where they can apply directly or can download the application form, fill it and send it later to
Can you give us a preview of what we should expect from the info-session webinar which takes place on Wednesday 27th April?
The information session is designed to provide guiding information to prospective candidates. We shall;
Share in detail what Youth to Work is
Who the implementers are
What the benefits are
Our impact over the last 3 years
Finally, how to write a successful application form
We look forward to hosting you for the #ProTalks live info-session, if you are interested in learning more register for free here: